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What Does Happen to the Brain During Sex?
Though sex obviously a physical matter is - the true fireworks produced in the brain. There all stimuli and impressions are translated into a sense of sexual arousal.
When we have sex, although that seems abdomen to direct the film - but this impression is misleading. Only by a complex interaction of nerve cells and messengers is a passionate experience of gym class. The mechanisms by which the brain is the control center of pleasure, are well explored in parts, but still keep some puzzles ready.

Play an important role various designated as a neurotransmitter messengers. Such as dopamine, which is released at the summit of pleasure in large quantities. Dopamine activates the reward system in the brain massively, thus we get into a frenzy of euphoria. The operations that this take place in our upper story, similar to the effects of heroin or cocaine. In fact, dopamine is probably also responsible for ensuring that we behave like addicts when cuddle sometimes. Once we are sexually aroused, the messenger produced an irresistible drive to keep going - to the greed finally follows the orgasm and the activity decreases abruptly in many parts of the cerebrum and the hypothalamus.
A hug distributes the stress

A large proportion of the intoxicating euphoria of lovers has norepinephrine. The neurotransmitter formed in the adrenal gland also highlights the mood, increases our attention, distributes hunger and fatigue and attenuates pain. So it can be explained that sometimes a hug is enough to make us forget the stress.

As the body's own painkillers act the so-called endorphins. Sexually, they promote relaxation and help women in particular, to reach the peak. For many women, the release-can play a major role. The more she desires and feels the partner trusted by him, the easier it works with the climax. In fact, endorphins seem rather the sexual pleasure within a familiar relationship to play a role as the short noise of a one-night stands.

That the body after the peak shuts down again and - at least in men - for a while is not susceptible to sexual stimuli, is situated on a neurotransmitter that after orgasm is secreted increased. Although the brain neurotransmitter serotonin increases the well-being, but can simultaneously block the excitation. Antidepressants that increase levels of serotonin at synapses, therefore often affect the sex life: Unfortunately, many patients suffer while they swallow the funds under orgasm difficulties , erectile dysfunction or other sexual problems.

Lynchpin of our desire is the hypothalamus. The brain region connects between the nervous system and hormones. For a long time this part of our thinking organ primarily known for it enables us to respond quickly to anxiety and stress. Within milliseconds are the hypothalamus, for example, the adrenal gland the order to distribute the neurotransmitter adrenaline, thereby enabling the entire body on alert.

But not only threat activates the hypothalamus, but also tenderness. Touch signals during sex to increase its activity continuously - until the release of large amounts of the hormone oxytocin in bonding orgasm culminates. After this discharge, the activity of the hypothalamus decreases abruptly. An effect that produces a strong sense of satisfaction.

Even the reward system of the brain is active during sex. Two areas of the brain, the nucleus accumbens and the caudate nucleus, and the neurotransmitter dopamine regulate motivation and desire. They respond to very different stimuli and let us strive for the most diverse rewards: a good meal about money - or a drug that acts directly on the dopamine release in the brain. Of course also the orgasm is such a reward.

Whether differ excitation patterns in the brains of men and women, is still being researched. Some studies suggest as secured but these findings can not be viewed. Was observed, for example, a difference in the amygdala. This brain area is responsible for the (re) detection of potentially hazardous situations and the emergence of anxiety with all its physical reactions. In women, as reported Dutch researchers, is the Amgydala paralyzed downright during the peak. For men do not.

As important as genitals, hormones and neurotransmitters to orgasm and human reproduction are - they all are ultimately only instruments in the orchestra of human sexuality. The conductor is the brain - especially the people with us especially strongly developed cerebrum. Thanks to modern imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) and some intrepid volunteers Researchers now understand better and better what parts of our thinking organ to be active in various phases of rapprochement and love the game so that we attracted not only to a certain person feel, but do it somehow, or to get him into bed.

The first major hurdle in the process of rapprochement is kissing. Thousands of neurons send the resulting tactile stimulation of the lips, tongue and mouth to the so-called somatosensory cortex, a part of the cerebral cortex, which processes this information. Although researchers still speculate about why the Homo sapiens with the partner feels the pressing together of the mouth as a relish: In many cases, the first kiss decides whether from a romance is more - or not. Studies show that many people ever attracted to a partner felt - until it came to the touching of lips and tongue and all desire became extinct. Why is this happening in one case and not in the other, no one knows to this day. Apparently, however, report certain regions of the brain that it somehow does not fit.

That Kiss (also) the probing potential mate is, is plausible. On the one hand we can directly perceive the same multiple impressions of the partner while kissing: his eyes, his smell, his breath and - maybe - the one or another tenderly whispered word. If the first partner-check is positive, emerge some questions. How do I get him or her into bed? How can I get casual to bring the condom into the game without being embarrassed? Now the prefrontal cortex is required, that part of the cerebrum, which is responsible for the planning of our actions.

As we toast ourselves during lovemaking, is primarily the responsibility of the motor cortex. He controls the conscious movements - for example, if we realize that perhaps a different position would be better. Or if we think about how we do it on that of the male or female partner gets possible our best side to face. At the same time, the cerebellum controls a variety of hues, which especially in the rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles during orgasm play a role.

There are indications that some regions of the brain during sex are quiet - namely those which slow or suppress our behavior and excitement in everyday life deliberately. According to a study by French scientists According to seem about the gyrus rectus in the left frontal lobe to inhibit sexual desire. They studied healthy men and those who - for unknown reasons - were immune to sexual stimuli. When the researchers presented the healthy men erotic videos, took over the activity in the dentate rectus significantly. The listless subjects, however, the area of ​​the brain was as active as usual.

Vorm highlight certain areas of the brain switch off even when the woman, especially parts of the so-called frontal lobe, the "supervisory authority" in the head. Dutch researchers have identified two centers, which should not be active when "they" want to experience an orgasm: the left orbitofrontal cortex, which is responsible for the engine control and self-control, and the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. He usually ensures that we then judge our own actions, what we have been taught as rules for "moral" and "social" behavior.

How Do You Find Out What Sport Suits You?

The best sport is the one you already know. Begin with a sport that you have already practiced in your childhood. Also, choose from something you can well integrate into your daily routine in place and time. Then the barriers are not so high. Ultimately, it is also not so much on the what but the how. In sport, the dose is important because it makes the remedy - or the poison.

What is the right dose for the beginning?

Our various organ systems adapt quickly to different loads. Who starts with sports, so must always wear the weakest link bill, so the bones, tendons, ligaments and joints. These have a different metabolism than, say, muscle and take longer to get used to the new stresses. Beginners often start too fast, because it is the cardiovascular system fro possible - but after three or four weeks to prepare tendons and ligaments problems.

How do I know if my pace is right?

Who begins to engage in any sport, at the beginning should always have the feeling of subjective low demand. Think out of the training: "I could actually even more"? Then it's just right! So stick once back and start moderate. Good alignment is the resting heart rate, which can be measured before getting up in the morning. Hold this and compare it with the resting heart rate, you have the morning after exercising. Is this four to six strokes higher, the training was too intense - or they have an infection.

Sounds good and easy. Why are so many people still prefer to couch potatoes?

Man is by nature a lazy creatures and prefer running in energy saving mode. Previously it was also quite reasonable, to ensure that not too much of the precious energy was spent. In our land of plenty but fly us roast pigeons in his mouth. In this respect us enough energy is available - but the voice inside slows us.

Why move so?

Suppose an example from nature. The lion becomes active when a chic lioness passes - or a tasty antelope. Food and sex are the two motives, bring the animals in motion.
For us it works well no longer so fully.
No, unfortunately not. In our environment, movements are reduced, we have become inactive. Biologically we are animals, but our environment is no more, but highly automated savannah. This prepares our body problems.

How is it, then, the baser instincts to make legs - no antelope or lion?

You have to train him. For example, by building routines. When I get home, I do not sit down on the couch. I put on my sneakers and go with my wife to run - even if it rains. Another important aspect are appointments. If I have an appointment, I find it not so easy to push me. I also have to make the sport so that it is fun and not become a burden.

Are there any sports which are more suitable for beginners?

It depends on whether you want to do aerobic exercise or specifically want to build muscles. As aerobic exercise are, for example biking, rowing or Nordic Walking. A good start, it is also 30 minutes to go tight. Then: Only train frequently, then longer, more intense at last. When muscle training beginners can start with your own body weight and, for example, do deep squats. Catches of muscle easy to burn, it is advisable to quit. This makes it possible to train all major muscle areas, ie legs, abdomen, back, shoulders, neck and arms. Especially for beginners, it is useful to ask to see by professionals exercises, for example, a course in the gym.

Make people with underlying medical conditions may sport?

Who pre-existing conditions, should first discuss with his doctor. But movement is allowed in many cases, not only, but the best medication. Sports can boost your metabolism, boost the immune system and lower blood pressure. Even with depression Sports lifts the mood.

Does it make sense to make a healthy person a performance test before starting with the sport?

No. Who is 35 years and older, though should go to the doctor and have it checked whether there are risk factors. But a performance test is only useful if you want to specifically improve its performance and training, for example, for a marathon.

Some people take over and over again in front to start with sports - and fail every time. Just have not found the appropriate discipline?

I think it is not in the sport. Those who fail again and again, has his inner pig dog is not under control. Or he is not infected with the virus movement. Then lack the experience that sports just feels good and makes you happy.

5 Unbelievable Effects of Kissing on Health

5 Advantages of Kissing You Should Know
Butterflies in my stomach, the smell of the partner in the nose and the soft lips of others on their own: For many people kissing is one of the most wonderful things in the world. Scientists assume that it even has a health benefit, although they do not make this the focus of their research. On July 6, the day of the kiss. Five good reasons why we should do it, not just today.
